

We dedicate the first Friday of every month to corporate, intentional prayer and fasting. Each day has a different focus, and we follow a prayer guide. We sign up for one or several prayer slots throughout the day. The day often ends with a neighbourhood prayer walk and dinner together in the neighbourhood to break our fast.

Join us for our upcoming Day of Prayer & Fasting!

DATES: February 2



We want to become a people of prayer at The Neighbourhood Church. We have daily, weekly, and monthly rhythms of prayer as a way for us to remained disciplined in the practice of prayer. Prayer happens all the time, but these are the times we are specifically committed to as a church.


  • Morning Prayer
  • Noon Prayer
  • Evening Prayer



  • Morning Prayer – Fridays, 6-7am on Zoom



  • Days of Prayer & Fasting – first Friday of the month, 6am-6pm by Sign Up



The purpose of our Prayer Priorities is to help us to intentionally bring before the Lord those things which we believe He wants us to pray through in the year ahead. Our desire is Him, and Him alone. We leave the outcomes to Him but through our intentional prayer, we have an avenue to both draw closer to Him and learn to trust Him while we participate in what we believe He is doing.


We pray that…

1. We would receive God’s PROVISION & PLAN for the Imagine Edmonds Project evidenced through…

  • A final decision on partnering with the city, a developer and other ministry agencies
  • Receiving a permit for development
  • A plan that seems right to us and the Holy Spirit for the redeeming of the neighbourhood.


2. We would become a people of PRAYER evidenced through…

  • Many stories of answered prayer
  • Intercession for the church, our neighbourhoods and city, nation and the world.
  • Increased participation in our prayer rhythms of life together


3. We would recognize God’s PRESENCE evidenced through…

  • Being equipped in the practice of discernment
  • Stories of joining with where we see God at work in our neighbourhoods
  • A deeper sense of peace in our church as we seek His presence


4. We would experience God’s POWER evidenced through…

  • Evidence of healing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
  • Stories of neighbours and neighbourhoods being transformed
  • Evidence of the gifts of the Spirit in us and through us as we gather


5. We would follow God’s PATHWAY evidenced through…

  • Seeing many take steps from curious to connected to covenant
  • Seeing our U18’s develop a an Identity in Christ and a foundation on God’s word
  • Seeing vibrant discipling relationships taking place


6. We would participate in God’s PURPOSES in our congregations evidenced through…

  • Edmonds as The Neighbourhood Hub creates “The Pantry”
  • Robson Park as the congregation establishes a community meal
  • Sauk as the congregation develops ministry to kids, women and men
  • Beyond as we seek to establish new congregations locally and overseas


Prayer Guide Archive and Resource Links