
We initially became involved  as a church in Albania in 2002 and sent several of our leaders there in early 2003 to begin the process of laying the foundations for a church plant. In the following years we sent soccers teams and summer day camp teams. Some of our people have even stayed in Albania for months to work with people in the small village of Sauk i Vjeter (“saw-ook”), just outside of the capital, Tirana.

Currently, we are resourcing an Albania couple, Klement and Xhevi (“jay-vee”) who are involved in ministry to the people of Sauk, first through the children and then in the lives of the parents and extended families. Together with Canadians Murray and Maureen, they are providing weekly children’s ministry and a twice-monthly “church” gathering in the newly rented “Dove House” where Maureen and Murray reside on the top floor.

We want to facilitate a missional church in Sauk and have been so pleased with the efforts of Klement and Xhevi as well as many friends who continually volunteer hours of their time to see transformation happen in Sauk, Albania.