Mission Groups
Our Mission Groups are more than just a small group system of our church. Mission Groups are groups of people committed to loving God and loving others and doing it together. It is through Mission Groups that pastoral care is given, discipling relationships are established, mission focuses and neighbourhood initiatives are planned. A Mission Group is a place that we tune our ears and lives to what God is calling us to do in our neighbourhood and in our networks.
At the centre of our Mission Groups are a group of people who have committed to a covenant or rule life. It is a way to say that we are serious about following Christ together and a way to love and encourage each other as we seek to live out the covenant. The members who are in covenant meet weekly while the greater Mission Group joins in on Mission Foci and other discipleship practices that help them in their faith journey.
We believe God has called us to be one church, establishing multiplying, missional, Christian communities through the power of His Spirit in our neighbourhoods, cities, nation and on other continents.
We covenant to love God:
- with all of our hearts, seeking to make Him our greatest affection,
- with all of our minds, growing in wisdom through knowing God and aligning our lives with His will.
- with all of our strength, as we steward our time, treasure, talents, terra and temple.
- by loving our neighbours through introducing them to the King and His Kingdom way of life, and by seeking the peace and prosperity of our neighbourhoods,
- and by loving one another as we live in community in proximity.
We choose to follow Jesus with all that we are and have, bearing witness to Him in all that we do.
Southside’s 5 Shared Practices
Heart – Discerning God’s presence in our lives through morning and evening prayer.
Mind – Listening for God’s voice through reading scripture and our study guides.
Strength – Learning to trust God in all areas of our lives through receiving the gift of Sabbath.
Neighbour – Loving our neighbours and neighbourhoods through weekly table fellowship.
One Another – Demonstrating God’s oneness, through gathering in cells, congregation and celebration.