Dear World:
Southside has made a slam dunk in Albania! We have had an opportunity to minister to the church. Here our some stories of how God has been at work in the Albanian community.
The Youth
God has worked tremendously in our young adults in Sauk. In 2017, 8 people were reborn in Christ thru baptism! (AMEN) Melissa, one of our older youth who was baptized that day, has been traveling around the world with Operation Mobilization, serving the community and showering others with God’s love!
Sewing program
Kathi has recently moved to Albania and she started teaching the women of the neighbourhood how to sew! they have been learning valuable skills the have can apply to the world around them. Quickly Kathi realized some of the women needed glasses 🙁 So the church sprung into action and gifted each member that needed them a pair of their liking!!
Summer camps
Camps have been a crucial part of Southside ministry here in Canada as well as in Albania. we have been teaching the kids of the neighbourhood about the Lord in fun and active ways. And we are all very excited about our journey in the up coming months to Albania.
This is Caleb Bolhuis signing out !:)